Corona statistics for Germany
Check out the coronavirus statistics from the RKI to find current coronavirus numbers and cases for Germany. The data is updated daily.
The COVID-19 statistics for Germany provide information on the current incidence and number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants, as well as other data such as the total number of deaths and people infected.
Coronavirus statistics for Germany and worldwide live map
Follow this link to an interactive live map showing the spread of coronavirus in Germany and wordwide.
Data sources: Johns Hopkins University CSSE (international data from WHO, CDC (USA), ECDC (Europe), NHC, DXY (China), and reports from German authorities (Robert Koch Institute, as well as regional and state health departments)) via
Note: The database updates regularly. Please expect some delays, in particular regarding the number of recovered corona cases. The official count from German authorities may vary due to reporting.
Corona statistics by federal state
Below you will find the current number of people infected with coranavirus in Germany and in the respective federal states, the number of new infections compared to the previous day, the number of recovered people, and the number of deaths.
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
Lower Saxony
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
North Rhine-Westphalia
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
You can find the latest figures for this state, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
Deaths and hospitalizations according to COVID-19 statistics.
Coronavirus statistics on the number of deaths and hospitalizations in Germany have been declining in recent months. Daily figures on hospitalizations, deaths, and the mortality rate can be found, updated daily, on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
Statistics for Europe
The number of coronavirus infections is increasing in many regions throughout Europe. Check out our detailed statistics for Europe to see how the numbers are developing.
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